Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Life Always Finds A Way

Photo Credit: Tania Thompson

     I was walking my dog one day and this tree stopped me in my tracks.  Notice what's not supposed to be there?  That metal post maybe held a sign or supported the tree when it was a sapling; I'm leaning toward sign.  Regardless of its first use, it was left there, forgotten of its original purpose.  Then this tree kept growing.  It kept growing in a direction that was in direct conflict with that metal post.  The two don't go together.  They are not natural friends.  Despite occupying the same space, the tree found a way to keep growing.  Over time it slowly started to grow around its obstacle.  Despite its scars from this process, it is a stunning tree.  I really wish I had taken a picture of the whole tree.  It has beautiful leaves and colored flowers.  Little sprouts of it are growing around its bottom.
     Life always finds a way!  We are like this tree.  Despite the circumstances we may find ourselves in, we can find a way.  Either we grow around the problem, over the problem, or away from the problem.  Despite the scars we may have, we can still be beautiful.  Scars tell a story.  They say where we've been, what we've endured, and what we've conquered.  We can always find a way to show beauty and strength to others, to offer hope, to be a beacon.  Whether quietly or loudly, show people how your life found a way.  Show them how you went around an obstacle or just rolled right over it.  Your story is beautiful.

When Love Doesn't Look Like A Fairy-Tale

This picture was originally posted by Rachel Martin over at Finding Joy .       When I first read these words by Rachel Martin over...